Pit monitoring
Once the material has been received, it is stored, distributed and handled in the pit for the necessary time based on the production criteria until it is finally unloaded into the evacuation lines. During this process, Vi4Crane monitors the most relevant information of the material in the pits. In this way, a control of the stored volume is achieved, as well as the relevant information related to the material:
- Relief map of the material or materials in the pit.
- Analysis of the most relevant characteristics.
- Possibility of monitoring the temperature of the material in the pit.
- Specific analysis of the problem, in order to provide specific pit monitoring systems.

The most common aspects to monitor are usually the volume and temperature of the material in the pit.
On the one hand, the installation of a 3D system will make it possible to know the volume of material available at any given moment. This information can be obtained by zones-fractions, being able to analyse the evolution of each of the zones-fractions separately.

On the other hand, the installation of a thermo-graphic system will allow us to control the temperature of the stored material. The storage of waste in pits entails a significant risk of fire, due to the gases emitted by the decomposition of organic matter, as well as the storage of materials with a high calorific value.
Although fires are very rare, the consequences could be serious. That is why we believe that early detection of hot spots, which may end up combusting, can be a significant improvement in terms of safety and process data collection.
In Vi4Crane we are committed to artificial vision as a base technology, which allows us to have information of greater added value and greater versatility compared to other types of mapping systems.